The inaugural event is scheduled for April 30-May 2, in Rosemont, Illinois, and will showcase the latest design and building processes, products and emerging technologies.
Many years ago a really good friend in the industry told me something I will never forget. He said, “Never abandon what got you to where you are.” That statement can mean lots of things to many different people, but when it comes to being successful within the trades industry the meaning is pretty clear.
Everyone’s made a bad hire. I have. You have. Let’s face it, no one gets it right 100% of the time. Having said that, there are actions you can take each day to improve your hiring process and minimize your level of hiring mistakes.
Four years ago, I attended my first AHR Expo in Chicago. And no matter how many times my colleagues warned me to bring my walking shoes, I was blown away by the sheer size of the event. I put in my daily 10,000 steps — and then some — walking back and forth between the halls learning about ductless mini-splits, cooling towers, boilers, water heaters and more.
Price is a topic everyone wants to discuss and everyone has an opinion about, and you are probably wondering why I am even implying there is a circumstance when price doesn’t matter. Before you start thinking I’m crazy, let me explain.
The list honors the businesses making the most profound impact on both industry and culture, showcasing a variety of ways to thrive in today's volatile world. Half of the companies on this year's MIC 50 list are appearing for the first time.