After hard work, your contracting company is turning a profit. You need to decide when to invest some of that money back into the business, balancing saving and making improvements to stay competitive.
Greenwashing is deceptive advertising that uses green PR to make products seem eco-friendly and desensitizes consumers to environmental claims. TerraChoice describes "seven sins of greenwashing" to help consumers spot misleading environmental claims.
Developing a strong brand can significantly impact your plumbing company by making it more familiar and less intimidating to consumers. This can lead to more calls and reduced marketing costs. Here are six important factors to consider when building a brand and brand image in your market.
A plumbing designer questioned the necessity of the California Plumbing Code and the standards of the California Department of Health Care Access and Information. This raises the question: Are these additional standards truly beneficial?
Processes are the third component of our success strategy — organizational charts, scorecards, and processes. Two months ago, I began a three-part series to focus on each of them. This month, we are going to bring that strategy full circle by discussing processes.
Last fall, we assessed a boiler replacement project for a town hall. Three out of four existing rare condensing cast iron boilers were inoperable within two years, and seven out of eight boilers failed within 10 years. During our visit, we meticulously examined various aspects to identify any potential issues.