Every three years the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials publishes a revised and updated version of its signature codes — the Uniform Plumbing Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.
"The history of the radiant market dates back to Egypt in 3,000 BC, when Ra was the God of Sun," says Max Rohr, academy manager with REHAU's building solutions division.
As a designer/installer of any hydronic radiant system (especially one that incorporates hydro-air, old preexisting standing cast iron radiators and an indirect water heater), you have dozens of steps involved that are not unlike setting up a winding row of dominoes.
Also at the 2020 AHR Expo in February, the Hydronics Industry Alliance — the Commercial (HIA-C) committee of the RPA — will once again host a breakfast meeting on Feb. 5.
The Radiant Professionals Alliance is pleased to be participating at the 2020 AHR Expo in Orlando, Florida, Feb. 3-5. The AHR Expo is the world’s largest HVACR event, and the RPA is offering an educational lineup of member experts who will be presenting free seminars.