A custom-designed, prefabricated, pre-pressurized network of Uponor crosslinked polyethylene (PEX-a) tubing, the Uponor Radiant Rollout Mat is the ideal solution for faster, more consistent installations for large commercial radiant heating and cooling applications — saving up to 85% in installation time, the company notes.
The BLF-2 balancing valve allows for precise flow control to ensure efficient energy distribution to match the load of each zone in a hydronic heating or cooling system.
On projects that require hydronic distribution for heating/cooling, snow melting, geothermal, biomass and district energy management, REHAU INSULPEX pre-insulated pipe delivers convenience
and energy-efficiency far beyond metal piping, the company says.
Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most significant impacts on construction businesses is the effect that personnel protection measures have had on construction permitting and inspections.
The Radiant Professionals Alliance attended the AHR 2020 Expo in Orlando, Forida, Feb. 3-5, and in conjunction with the expo, hosted the RPA Reception at the Cuba Libre Restaurant and Rum Bar, where the biannual transfer of the 2020 Carlson-Holohan Industry Award of Excellence took place.
Viega’s seminar centers in Bloomfield, Colorado and Nashua, New Hampshire, held training and examination sessions in January and February for the ASSE 19210 Hydronic Heating and Cooling Installer certification.