The Hydraulic Institute (HI), the largest association of pump manufacturers and suppliers to the pump industry in North America, and the global authority on pumps and pumping systems, installed new leadership during the 2025 Annual Conference in Rancho Mirage, CA.
The new locations will stock limited quantities based on market needs. They will also allow contractors and wholesalers quicker access to key products and smaller quantity orders, thus reducing freight costs and lead times.
With user-friendly plug-in installation and energy-saving thermostat control, the system is ideal for preventing ice from forming inside 3/4-inch to 6-inch diameter water lines in temperatures below -40°F (-40° C).
Uponor as been named the 2024 Plumbing – Rough-In Vendor of the Year by Winsupply, a leading supplier of materials for residential and commercial construction as well as industrial use, and the 2023 Mechanical Supplier of the Year by DSG.
The awards honor products and industry leaders in design and manufacturing that have chartered new directions for innovation and pushed the envelope for competitive products in the world marketplace.
The draft rule would raise standards for tankless gas-fired water heaters to over 91 percent efficiency, while leaving the standards for tank gas-fired water heaters relatively untouched at 70 percent efficiency.
The new center will bring together the company’s North America Water Heating commercial engineering, platform electronics, product support and product management functions with Lochinvar engineering and product management.