Ecowarm RadiantBoard EPS Premium Ply Panels are integrated with EPS foam and available in standard R-2.7 or R-5.6 models for use over concrete and over under-insulated subfloors.
In 2024, the RPA held educational sessions at the ASHRAE/AHR Expo in Chicago, welcoming new members and setting goals to advance the radiant and hydronics industry.
In rural upstate New York, residents harvest trees for firewood using chainsaws and hydraulic splitters. I burn about two face cords annually in my wood stove, enjoying its warmth during winter and relying on it during power outages caused by outdated utility lines.
Take a look at the two photos in Figure 1. Do you see any installation practices that might compromise the eventual structural or thermal performance of this slab?
NorthPointe Christian Schools near Grand Rapids, Michigan, has grown from 90 students to over 1,250 across Pre-K to 12th grade. To keep pace with the needs of ever-expanding schools like Northpointe, Chicago Faucets has evolved to meet school safety needs with products like thermostatic mixers and touchless faucets.
I’ve written many PM columns discussing how air-to-water and geothermal water-to-water heat pumps can be combined with hydronic delivery systems to deliver efficiency AND superior comfort. This combination is a great solution for many consumers.