The headlines this week are a familiar sight:
- From Washington: “Burst Pipes Keeping Local
Plumbers Busy”
From Iowa: “Frigid Overnight Temps Cause Pipes To Burst”
From Minnesota: “Cold Temps Mean Broken Furnaces, Burst Pipes”
These news reports are from December 2008, but they could easily be from 2007, 1994, or even 1952! Despite environmentalists’ warnings, it gets cold every year in our country. Usually cold enough to do some damage. And where there’s damage, there’s a plumber to the rescue.
Why can’t you be that plumber?
I’m not talking about fixing the problems (yet). I’m talking about media relations and free publicity, here. Reporters will write these headlines every year. YOU should be the local plumber they contact for an expert opinion.
I sat in on a teleseminar last week that featured, among other marketing experts, Tom Peric ofGalileo Communications Inc.Tom spoke to us 500+ listeners about a secret weapon every contractor should have in his filing cabinet "