Nestled within a 20-year-old home deep in the heart of Klein, Texas, the Stansifer family encountered a common homeowner problem: a painfully long three-to-five-minute wait for hot water whenever they turned on a faucet.
The new ALPHA HWR is a digitally connected pump that revolutionizes hot water recirculation for homes with a dedicated return line, delivering unparalleled comfort and water-saving advantages.
The 20 products highlighted here have earned the distinction of being Plumbing & Mechanical’s Top Products of 2023 based on the number of pageviews on Congratulations to those products on this year’s list.
The new EC Motor-Driven, high-efficiency, wet-rotor circulator pump for the residential and commercial HVAC market is designed to improve performance and save energy consumption.
With a maximum of 34 feet of head and 50 gpm, the new 0034e and 0034ePlus high-efficiency ECM circulators offer up to 85% energy savings over a conventional circulator.
Blake Rosenberg is an inspired plumbing and hydronic pro in the Northern Massachusetts area who readily admits that his inspiration and success stem from the influence of a special mentor. Well, two of them.
Bell & Gossett’s ecocirc 20-18 circulator pump provides high flexibility and high energy efficiency performance across a wide range of pumps and sizes.
Boasting a high Energy Rating at 193, ALPHA delivers enhanced efficiency and performance and offers the highest wire-to-water efficiency available, Grundfos says.