Little Red Schoolhouse, Morton Grove, Ill. Photo credit: Xylem/Bell & Gossett
Xylemannounced theBell & GossettLittle Red Schoolhouse, a provider of systems application education for the HVAC and plumbing industries, has received LEED certification for its “Design & Application of Water-Based HVAC Systems” course. TheGreen Building Certification Instituteapproved the course for credit toward the credential maintenance requirements of LEED certifications. The course content meets GBCI’s requirements for advanced professional development for those in the HVAC industry.
“Design & Application of Water Based HVAC Systems” focuses on teaching the methods of designing commercial hydronic heating and chilled water cooling systems that result in an optimized building comfort system. Students learn and apply design methodologies, system design tools and various system applications that will improve the overall system design and increase energy efficiency.
As a certified provider of continuing education for LEED professionals, theLittle Red Schoolhousenow offers three courses that provide credit toward the credential maintenance requirements of the LEED Green Associate and LEED AP certifications. The other courses are “Large Chilled Water System Design” and “Modern Hydronic Heating Systems - Basic.”
For nearly 70 years, Bell & Gossett has provided the industry high-quality continuing education programs focused on HVAC and plumbing. Since 1954, more than 55,000 engineers, contractors and installers have been trained in the Little Red Schoolhouse’s fully equipped learning center in the Chicago suburb of Morton Grove, Ill., while another 150,000-plus professionals have received training through B&G’s “traveling classroom” program.
“We’re delighted to enhance our leadership in industry training by offering the ability to earn LEED continuing education credits through our ‘Design & Application of Water Based HVAC Systems course,’” saidMark Handzel, director of building services marketing, Xylem, Applied Water Systems. “One of the primary reasons the Little Red Schoolhouse is the industry leader in training is that we continually offer opportunities for HVAC professionals to strengthen their expertise in applications and system solutions.”
For complete descriptions and enrollment information for the Little Red Schoolhouse educational courses, visitwww.bitly/LRSHeducation. Course reservations must be made through a Bell & Gossett representative.
Source: Xylem