The Oliver Group, a Washington state-based direct-marketing company is helping with the drive.
“Every year we have trouble getting new members,” PHCC of Ohio Executive DirectorRocco Fana, Jr. tellsPM. “We have the same goal and never hit it. This is easy, but there is work involved. If we follow the plan, it’s going to work.”
A special training day in late January attracted over 50 volunteers from both the PHCC and ACCA chapters.
“Members will participate for two hours. There is no cold-calling,” Fana explains. “They are going through their Rolodex’s and their phone and computer contacts and calling people they know. They are calling people who trust them and their judgment.”
Special incentives such as free CPA and public relations consultations are part of a new membership plan. Only paid memberships during the two-day period will count toward the new membership total.
The drive has spawned some competitiveness between the local chapters.
“We’re getting teams together. It’s a fun way to do it,” Fana says. “We’re tying it into March Madness (NCAA men’s basketball tournament) and St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll have a fun time doing it.”
In the end, Fana sees the drive as a win-win situation.
“Our own members are our best sales campaign,” he says. “A lot of people are never asked to join an organization. We’re looking forward to welcoming new members and keeping them in the association. We’re hoping this is the biggest and most successful drive we’ve ever done.”
For more information, contact Fana The drive’s progress can be tracked