NAOHSM execs and business owners held an Oilheat Industry Summit recently and discussed the current state of the industry. Various presentations and speakers spoke to the shifting market and solutions to these changes.

“Sadly, in the past 10 years we’ve lost approximately 1 million oilheat homes,” said Judy Garber in the association’s summary.

Also of note, during the summit,John Maniscalcoshared an idea of how much money will be needed to get NORA reauthorized. Bob Heddengave a presentation about the advantages of Ultra Low Sulfur Heating Oil, andMichael Devine

Jonathan Beckettgave a presentation on his company’s foray into solar thermal heating and how this technology can work in harmony with oil heat. 

John Huberspoke about the life cycle emissions of new fuel andMichal Ferrantespoke about a public outreach program – a government relations plan needed to educate local, state and federal politicians.

“Basically the theme of the day was the need for a combination of bio and low sulfur fuel – 15ppm to be exact,” said Garber. “This will give us an advantage over gas heat.”

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