Starting at the 2009
convention in May, the National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers
will present its first “Oilheat Technician of the Year” award.
“Technicians are a very important part of the oilheat industry, and NAOHSM
would like to recognize those that excel in their occupation and represent the
industry well,” the group noted.
Nominees can be men or women that work in the industry as service or
installation technicians.
Each of the 30 NAOHSM chapters will nominate their best technician. Using this
system, each of the 10 NAOHSM states will present their state’s highest scoring
technician as a finalist. In addition, there will be one at-large nominee
representing NAOHSM’s “National Direct” members from states other than the
current NAOHSM chapter states.
Chapter nominees should be submitted before April 10, 2009. The 11 state
finalists will be interviewed by an independent panel of judges via conference
Each technician nominated will receive recognition by NAOHSM. All 11 state
finalists will receive a prize and the winning technician and guest will
receive a grand prize and an invitation to attend the association’s annual
convention and trade show to be held in Hershey, Pa., May 17-21, 2009.
For more information on this competition, contact Judy Garber at