The Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Associations of
Pennsylvania and New Jersey will hold their 2009 Annual Trade Show &
Convention May 14-16 at the Split Rock Resort and Expo Center in the Pocono’s on
Lake Harmony.
The Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Associations ofPennsylvaniaandNew
Jerseywill hold their 2009 Annual Trade Show & Convention May 14-16 at the
Split Rock Resort and Expo Center in the Pocono’s on Lake Harmony.
The central event to the three-day
convention is the one-day trade show
scheduled for Friday, May 15, from noon to 4 pm. Attendees will also have an
opportunity to observe the always competitive and popular statewide Apprentice
Contest. All events are preceded in the morning with a number of free and
timely seminars available to all area contractors and guests in and around the
Seminars will include code, business and
educational seminars, and will feature the new GreenPlumbers® seminar. This GreenPlumbers seminar presents an
overview of the complete green program.
always, all attendees will have an opportunity to meet with p-h-c and HVAC
wholesalers, top manufacturers and industry leaders to discuss the latest in
technologies and new and innovated products and techniques.