More than just another Web site, TradePower links distributors' and contractors' existing desktop procurement, estimating and project management systems. This allows the sharing and researching of information to begin without having to train employees on using new software methods of buying and selling construction supplies.
Developed through the combined efforts of Trade Service Corp., Estimation Inc. and Trade Service Systems, TradePower's goal is to streamline the highly fragmented construction industry by bringing contractors and suppliers together in real-time transactions and enable both to reap benefits of cost savings.
During a seminar at last month's PHCC-National Association's convention, TradePower president Mike Llewellyn and chief technical officer Mark Wagner (both formerly with Estimation Inc.) gave a demonstration of TradePower's digital dynamics to the delight of a full room of attendees. Its multiple points of access and focus on the supplier and contractor relationship distinguishes itself from existing construction industry exchanges. It instead lets users research, request and purchase construction materials through their medium of choice - the desktop or the Web.
For more information about TradePower, visit its Web site