Bryan BH Series electric hot water or steam boilers are compact, completely packaged and wired units with automatic controls and featuring long life Incoloy sheathed elements. Applications include hot water heating, steam heating, process heating, and supplemental heat for heat pump type equipment.
BH Series Boilers are available with inputs from 60 to 3,000 KW and nominal outputs from 196,000 to 9,800,000 BTUH (6 to 300 BHP). They are built in accordance with the requirements of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code and are UL listed. Water boilers are 150 psig MAWP and steam boilers either 15 psig or 150 psig. Higher pressures are available.
Each electric element hairpin is field replaceable with no welding, soldering or brazing required. Each hairpin is Incoloy sheathed and industrial size 0.430” diameter. Elements are designed for 75 watts/sq. inch for long life and are individually installed in a standard ANSI 150 lb. blind flange.
Bryan Electric Boilers are nearly 95% efficient at all load levels. Varying loads do not affect the efficiency since the resistive type heating elements are immersed and designed to heat the water directly. With a modulating step control only the elements that are required to heat the water to the desired temperature/pressure will be energized in order to encourage a balanced load during operation.
For more information, please contact us: 783 North Chili Avenue
Peru, IN 46970
Phone: 765-473-6651
Fax: 765-473-3074
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