Most plumbing companies tend to look alike, making it difficult for them to stand out. The challenge for owners is to identify a unique difference from competitors and promote it effectively.
Consumers choose plumbing companies based on a hierarchy of relationships, from unfamiliarity to direct personal experience, with community involvement and networking enhancing credibility and visibility at higher levels.
If you treat a customer well, they will recommend your services to three others. However, if you treat a customer poorly and make them feel cheated, they will spend a lot of time spreading negative feedback, especially on social media.
I reached out to some of the best coaches in the industry for some perspective on communicating clearly and effectively with customers and each other and best practices for how contractors should handle communication breakdowns.
Two-way texting, when a customer can proactively text your business and receive a response or have an entire digital conversation, offers a way to bolster client communication and as a result, satisfaction.
Over the years, I've had many homeowners read my books and then write to tell me they knew more about their system than the contractors that came to their houses. This was particularly true when it came to steam heating.
A few weeks back I was having a conversation with a plumbing and HVAC contracting business owner. During the beginning of our discussion, he abruptly told me, “I just use ChatGPT to do your job.”