Introducing Caleffi's New Vacu-Stop™ Vacuum Relief Valve (VRV). Available in ½” and ¾” MNPT, the Vacu-Stop is suitable for use in water and low-pressure steam services.
MarconeAI provides repair technicians with solutions to even the most technical problems. Designed to help them make the right repair the first time, this new technology looks to improve customer satisfaction by introducing cutting-edge artificial intelligence into the appliance repair arena.
When installed properly and protected from incompatible chemicals, CPVC can deliver years of reliable service in even the most aggressive water conditions. Get tips on installing and servicing CPVC pipes.
Viega plans to invest over $70 million in the next two years as part of its long-term strategy to expand U.S. manufacturing and support the needs of its North American customers
Danfoss Climate Solutions introduced a new product line of thermostatic radiator valve operators to meet the demands for greater energy efficiency, replacing the RA2000 series of valve-mounted thermostatic operators.
Historically specified and installed as radiant heating and cooling or snow- and ice-melting systems pipe, PEX is now trending as a viable hydronic distribution pipe for heating hot water and chilled water applications.