On January 15, “The World of Green Heating” seminar and fundraiser initiated by Oil Heat Cares co-founderDan Holohanraised $6,500 for the organization. Held in Springfield, PA, this annual benefit combined education and goodwill with the help ofPeerless Boilers, who sponsored the event and, as a result, all proceeds went toOil Heat Cares. At the same time, ServoPro (Western Essex and Central Union Counties, NJ) donated four tickets to a Jets game next season. The raffle raised $2,600 and the winner was John Levey, Nassau-Suffolk Chapter.
Oil Heat Cares’ next major fundraiser will be held in Hershey, PA, on May 23, 2011. This annual Care to Ride event will be held duringNAOHSM’s (National Association of Oilheating Service Managers) Annual Convention which will take place from May 22-26, 2011.