In addition to the comprehensive training courses traditionally offered, this schedule includes Skill Builders Focus Sessions, specially developed for the experienced radiant contractor or heating professional.

REHAU has announced its 2007 schedule ofSkill Builderstraining classes, offered through REHAU Academy. In addition to the comprehensive training courses traditionally offered, this schedule includes Skill BuildersFocus Sessions, specially developed for the experienced radiant contractor or heating professional.

Skill Builders Complete and Focus sessions, facilitated by experienced REHAU heating professionals, will be held at the following dates and locations throughout the U.S. and Canada:

Skill Builders Complete:

    Feb. 21-23 - Reno, NV
    April 11-13 - Chicago*
    May 2-4 - Leesburg, VA*
    June 27-29 - Halifax, NS
    Aug. 15-17 - Minneapolis
    Sept. 12-14 - Niagara Falls, ON
    Nov. 7-9 - Chicago*
Skill Builders Focus Session 1:
    March 14 - Leesburg, VA*
    Dec. 5 - Leesburg, VA*
Skill Builders Focus Session 2:
    March 15 - Leesburg, VA*
    Dec. 6 - Leesburg, VA*
*A REHAU office location

The three-day Skill Builders Complete course covers both introductory and intermediate-level subjects, with course topics including:

  • selling the advantages of radiant heating;
  • designing systems that deliver exceptional performance, comfort, efficiency and control;
  • combining radiant floor heating with other radiant panels, such as radiant walls and ceilings;
  • managing high heat loss rooms;
  • installing radiant systems to prevent floor striping and cold spots;
  • choosing manifolds and controls appropriate for each heating application;
  • designing and installing hydronic snow and ice melting systems;
  • working with PEX plumbing;
  • using REHAU’s industry-leading design software; and
  • working with hardwood flooring.

REHAU’s advanced Focus Sessions are small, one-day classes that allow for more personalized interaction. The first session discusses advanced software design techniques and training on REHAU’s new CAD-based software programs, while the second session details controls and piping techniques. Focus sessions will also discuss specialty topics such as residential fire protection, commercial piping products and new product introductions.

For additional information on REHAU Academy and Skill Builder’s training classes, contact your local REHAU representative or call REHAU Inc. Ph: 800/247-9445; Fax: 800/627-3428; or visit