Fox Broadcasting’s new “Built in America” television show will feature Cranston, R.I.-based Taco. The show’s inaugural episode — which takes a close look at Taco’s dedication to its American employees, manufacturing and the HVAC market it serves — will be broadcast on Sunday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. EST on the Fox Business Network. 

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Commentator John Holden takes viewers on a journey into Taco’s history, but moves quickly into the firm’s devotion to its more than 500 employees.

“With Taco’s workforce, we built this company together,” said CEO and President John White Jr.

He added, “Others are so quick to move [manufacturing] offshore, but we have a great workforce, country and ideas . . . and with America’s leadership in innovation, it’s only right to sustain our workforce here in the USA.”

“Built in America” also takes a close look at Taco’s new Innovation and Development Center, a state-of-the-art, LEED Gold teaching and research laboratory built chiefly to educate and train industry professionals.

 “We invest deeply in our employees, the industry and our customers,” White concluded.