For most of the country, it was a cold winter. If you’re in the heating business or you’re a plumber. you should have been pretty busy. I bet you worked hard. You know you deserve some time off very soon. Why don’t you start planning your vacation right now?
Many of you either giggled at the thought of a vacation or you have stopped reading at this point. That’s because you haven’t been on a vacation in years or your idea of a vacation has become a combination of work and maybe some personal time.
No, I mean a real vacation where there’s no work involved.
Too radical? OK, you can go on vacation and attend a workshop, trade show or training and still call it a vacation. The people who plan these events put them in some really nice locations.
You probably have even fooled yourself into thinking that you’d squeeze in some leisure time. The bad news is they booked you into workshops, training and social events that will keep you busy from early in the morning to late in the evening. That’s especially true if you make the trip to the bar for a late-night drink with a friend from the industry. These late-night teaching sessions at the bar are where I did some of my best learning. I’m not kidding. The problem came when the alarm went off at 6 a.m. and the sessions started once again.
Did you ever dare show up a day early or stay a day longer? I never did.
That’s because I already had to kill myself to clear up the backlog of work so I could go on vacation. There were calls I had to field about work while I was away. I was worried about what was going on while I was gone so I was always checking in. Finally, there was the pile of stuff waiting for me to do when I got back.
Sound familiar?
It got to the point I started to dread going on vacation vs. relishing the chance to unplug and recharge. The occasional disaster and the routine foul-ups drained any joyful feeling I had from having gone on vacation. That is until I learned how to fix my company and fix my thinking. I was the problem and I finally decided it was going to change.
Getting out of Dodge
Here’s how my brothers and I learned to not only take charge of our company but get our lives back - one vacation day at a time.Do some or all of it and learn to love your time away. You deserve it!