The California state legislature will almost certainly pass a law banning water softeners, observers say, unless Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes the bill.

The California state legislature will almost certainly pass a law banning water softeners, observers say, unless GovernorArnold Schwarzeneggervetoes the bill. AB 2270, authored by Reps.John Laird(D-Santa Cruz) andMike Feuer(D-West Hollywood), passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee by party line vote in early July.

The bill is favored by cities, water control districts, water reuse districts and the state’s agricultural industry who say water softeners contribute to elevated levels of salinity in the ground.

Opponents, including the Water Quality Association and the Pacific Water Quality Association, believe the bill would “do very little good for the environment and cause a lot of problems for homeowners throughout California,” according toPeter Censky, WQA executive director.