BNP Media announces the debut ofBath & Kitchen Pro, a unique publication created for a powerful audience of bath-and-kitchen installers, distributors with showrooms and designers.
Unlike other magazines that focus purely on design, Bath & Kitchen Pro will provide information on installation and purchasing, as well as design trends.
Bath & Kitchen Pro will be published three times in 2008; its Winter, Spring and Fall issues will be distributed at major B&K shows in addition to its 55,000 circulation drawn from the readers of Plumbing & Mechanical, Supply House Times, Tile, Stone World, and Environmental Design + Construction.
The first issue of Bath & Kitchen Pro will be distributed at the International Builders Show and in the February issues of the participating magazines. Editorial closing is Dec. 14, 2007. Advertising closing is Jan. 2.
BNP Media also is pleased to announce the addition of Jennifer Salvadori to the Bath & Kitchen Pro ad sales team. Salvadori, who has worked on the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show and the ISH North America Show, can be reached at 770/552-8717 or jsalvado@bellsouth.net.
For additional information, contact Publisher Bob Miodonski at 630/694-4007 and miodonskib@bnpmedia.com or Managing Editor Kelly Johnson at 630/694-4379 and johnsonk@bnpmedia.com. Or, visit www.bathandkitchenpro.com.