Installing a toilet
Loose knuckles
Creeping in crawl spaces

Bright Idea

When installing a toilet, I’ve found it very useful to lay a penlight, such as a Mini Mag, parallel to the two Joni bolts: 1) it helps align the bolts with the hole on the bottom of the bowl; and 2) it also illuminates the holes from the toilet so you can see where to place it down from the top.

Joey Kaplan
Camp Shira Plumbing
Monticello, N.Y.

Loose Knuckles

When tightening bolts on recirc pumps, anchors, etc., using a socket and swivel, wrap electrical tape around the loose knuckles of the universal joint. Twist to whatever angle you need, and it will stay there while you tighten.

Michael Stidhem
Cabrillo Plumbing
San Francisco, Calif.

Jeepers, Creepers

Due to high water conditions in our area, there are a lot of 2-foot crawl spaces. In these conditions, I have realized that a mechanic’s creeper saves your knees and belly from the rough concrete.

Abe Lopez
ALP plumbingBridgeport, Conn.


Send Us Your Tool Tips!
If you have an idea that has saved you time and money, Plumbing & Mechanical would like to share your tip with our readers. You can e-mail your idea directly to PM editor Steve Smith at, or mail it to him c/o PM, 1050 IL Route 83, Suite 200, Bensenville, IL 60106.
