A plumber for 20 years, Gillespie is a long-time advocate of tankless water heater technology. The Trilogy van is decked out with Rheem tankless water heater insignia and features photographs of the latest products, along with the company’s catch phrase, “Relax, it’s Rheem.”
Plumbing Firm Advocate Of Rheem Tankless Water Heaters
Trilogy Plumbing Inc., a full-service plumbing
installation, repair and service company, has outfitted its newest van with an
outsized display of Rheem tankless water heaters.
Ron Gillespie
, owner of
Phoenix-based Trilogy Plumbing Inc., a full-service plumbing installation,
repair and service company, has outfitted his newest van with an outsized
display of Rheem tankless water heaters, essentially creating a moving billboard
to show Trilogy’s brand loyalty. He says he gets a lot of double takes when he
drives the van around the greater Phoenix area.