A Night Out - At Home
I spent much of the third day of KBIS walking around the North Hall. (The LV Convention Center has three halls - North, Center and South - and K/BIS exhibits were in all three.)
One of the more interesting was Kitchen and Bath Ideas' "Gourmet Traveler at Home" setting. These editors were responding to the "rising tide of travelers who bring home their culinary interests and experiences." Most striking was the deluxe wine room, which displays the homeowner's collection. It includes an area for wine tasting, wine refrigeration units, sink and dishwasher for entertaining, oak cabinets to hold wine bottles and glasses, and walnut flooring.

Towel Warmers Upping The Ante

Many manufacturers I talked to were pleased with the traffic and the number of good leads. So, another successful K/BIS show. But me and my aching feet were glad to get back on a plane headed for Chicago, which is the venue for next year's K/BIS. Back to the familiar McCormick Place, April 11-13, 2008. I hope to see you there!