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Editor's note: In our editing process, we incorrectly identified a trade association mentioned in “Water Safety for the Elderly and Infirm,” October 2003. The error was our own and not the author's.)

In the article titled, “Water Safety for the Elderly and Infirm,” by Bruce Fathers, published as part of the October issue of Plumbing & Mechanical, a reference is made to the applicable types of mixing valves and their respective ASSE standards. However, when listing the standards-developing organization, credit for ASSE Standard No. 1016 and ASSE Standard No. 1017 is given to the American Society of Safety Engineers.

Although the American Society of Safety Engineers is an ANSI-accredited standards developer, they do not develop standards for plumbing products. Their focus is toward safety-related items such as safety glasses, ladders, etc. ASSE Standard No. 1016, Performance Requirements for Individual Thermostatic, Pressure Balancing, and Combination Pressure Balancing and Thermostatic Control Valves for Individual Fixtures Fittings, and ASSE Standard No. 1017, Performance Requirements for Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for Hot Water Distribution Systems, are standards developed and maintained by the American Society of Sanitary Engineering.

Although our organizations share the same acronym, their standards programs cover two separate industries, and should not be confused.

Shannon M. Corcoran
Executive Director
American Society of Sanitary Engineering
Westlake, Ohio

Who's Watching You?

Before I tell you which columns I want to commend, let me tell you about myself. I have worked for 33 years in a major chemical plant. During those years I have been a pipefitter, welder, plumber and, for the past 17 years, an engineering technician or “technologist” - still in the drainage area for our plant site.

During those years I have served as a bi-vocational pastor to some small churches in our rural area. I have just completed some additional studies and expect to leave the chemical plant to begin work on my doctorate in the next few months.

Having said all that, one of my pet projects has been to get churches to “market” themselves to the communities they serve. But I am afraid that I have not been as successful as I had hoped to be.

The two columns that I just finished are “Watch This” and “Mountain Climbing 101” (“Small Shop Talk,” September 2003 and August 2003, respectively.) Each of these columns addresses promotion and persistence - two issues that I have long struggled with churches over. I have long contended that we must be effective in marketing (which may not be the proper theological term, but it does convey the idea) our product (which is eternal life in Christ) to the people around us.

I have gleaned several ideas from these columns and will incorporate them into some leadership lessons for our leaders. Thanks to Ellen Rohr for her special insight into promotion and name recognition, and especially for a very graphic reminder that persistence and teamwork pay off - even if we do acquire a few scars along the way. Anything worthwhile always takes a little extra effort.

Keep up the good work - you never know who's watching or reading.

Rev. James Manis
First Free Will Baptist Church
Church Hill, Tenn.

Plumbing Poetry

I am a plumber by trade for more than 20 years. I wrote this poem and thought you might be interested in running it in your magazine.

Thanking you in advance.

Kurt Reifschneider
Littleton, Colo.

    Plumbers I know are a different breed. They come from a crop of some lost seed.
    As young apprentices, they learn how to trench. Ins and outs of a Ridgid pipe wrench.
    Right is tight, left is loose. Things you never learn from Mother Goose.
    Plumbers talk funny and that is the key. Words such as ABS, Type L and DWV.
    Terms plumbers use, did I mention? Some of them invoke the female condition.
    Insert means male, receive means female. About the nipples, they will never tell.
    They install cast iron, copper, steel and PVC In walls, under floors, normal people can't see.
    Early on they learn when dealing with human waste; Keep your mouth closed, you don't want a taste.
    Why fingernails they never chew, Brown trout, pee jam to name a few.
    Dreams of urinals, faucets and water closets when off to bed. All plumbers are not right in the head.
    Up the next day and they begin the plumber's strut. If only they could get rid of that plumber's butt.

Interesting Valve

I am a plumbing contractor in Sonoma County, and I recently encountered this old tub valve in a Santa Rosa house built around 1920. I know other plumbers will appreciate this three-handle, tub-only valve set. Study the trim in the first picture, then look behind the wall. Thanks for your great trade magazine.
Bruce Witt
A.S.A.P. Plumbing
Forestville, Calif.