Seminars on green building, politics and maintenance agreements are just a few highlights for contractor attendees of Network '05, a joint meeting of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors - National Association and the American Supply Association, Sept. 7-10, Orlando.
Network '05 includes separate seminars for contractors and suppliers, as well as joint meetings for both groups.
The following seminars are for PHCC attendees and take place on Sept. 8. Some seminars run concurrently:
Is it easier to get legislation through in a red state? A blue state? A lively and entertaining discussion from a panel of experts from PHCC red and blue, state and local associations regarding legislative and regulatory developments.
Learn how to create a winning negotiating game plan; tap into more power than you think you have; set proper targets; avoid classic traps and tactics; implement effective counter measures; deal with deadlocks; guard against tricks; and, most importantly, win by gaining and keeping successful agreements.
This session teaches some stress-busting time management and personal skills that can make all the difference in your business and your life.
A seminar on how to build your own residential maintenance agreement program, how to price it, and the technician selling process. The presentation will include marketing materials, technician training and creating career paths using maintenance agreements.
From single-family residential projects to billion-dollar skyscrapers, the construction industry has already “gone green.” This seminar is designed to provide you with a detailed overview of the state of the green industry, and some hands-on experience in adopting a green approach to your business.
A motivational presentation on goal setting, balance in life and business, attitude, time management, positive thinking and more. Attendees will be asked to think about the choices they make with their lives, their attitudes and to review how and why they do what they do.
Joint Sessions
The following are joint PHCC-ASA sessions:
Lovell and Kranz will discuss and define teamwork as it applies to business owners, and how competence, perseverance and leadership combine to assure ultimate victory in any circumstances.
Explore Disney's strategies and methods for improving team results through great leadership. Without strong leadership, organizations will not grow and succeed.
Learn how to manage your balance sheet, operate above your break-even point, improve cash flow, and use your profit and loss statement to measure performance and identify problems.
Perfect the art of smooth succession planning for businesses of every size. This seminar will additionally provide attendees with some highlights of the new PHCC Educational Foundation's “Owners & Key Managers Seminar” being introduced this fall.
An opportunity to see the many innovative ideas of Walt Disney that eventually led to the creation of the Walt Disney World Resort. Visit Textile Services with a state-of-the-art laundry facility, Splash Mountain to see how the plumbing for this attraction is designed and works, and journey beneath the Magic Kingdom Park to visit support systems in the “Utilidor,” and more. This tour is not available to the general public, and is only offered to convention groups. Box lunch included.
To register for Network '05, call the PHCC at 800/533-7694 or log on to www.network05.org.