Linda Kohler Anderson, Former Wife Of Kohler CEO
Linda Kohler Anderson, 66, first wife of Kohler Co. Chairman and CEO Herb Kohler Jr., died March 2 of a ruptured brain aneurysm at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, Ill.She is survived by her husband, Roger Anderson; her three children, Laura Kohler (Steve Proudman), Rachel Kohler (Mark Hoplamazian) and David Kohler (Nina); 10 grandchildren; Roger Anderson's two children, Blair Anderson (Jan) and David Anderson, and Roger's three grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, gifts can be contributed to the endowment the family is developing at Knox College, her alma mater. Call 309/341-7752 for details. An endowment in her name has also been created at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, 920/458-6144.
Tom Torokvei, IPEX Chairman
IPEX Chairman Tom Torokvei, 61, died of a heart attack Feb. 24 while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas. Torkvei had been with the Canadian industrial plastic pipe company for 38 years.Suzanne Doretha Richter, Mother Of PMI Lobbyist
Suzanne Doretha Richter, 63, mother of Plumbing Manufacturers Institute lobbyist Christian Richter, died Feb. 23 in Pensacola, Fla. She is survived by her husband, Robert L. Richter; brother, Warren E. Landrey; her three children, Rachael McKinley, Christian Richter and Ingrid Richter; and five grandchildren.In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her name to the fund dedicated to rebuilding their family's church, which was demolished by the 2004 hurricanes: Grace Lutheran Church Building Fund, 6601 North 9th Ave., Pensacola, FL 3250