IAPMO has published ANSI/CAN/IAPMO/ISO 30500:2019, Non-Sewered Sanitation Systems — Prefabricated Inte-grated Treatment Units — General Safety and Performance Requirements for Design and Testing as an identical National Adoption Standard for both the United States and Canada. 

The ANSI/CAN/IAPMO/ISO 30500 standard specifies general safety and performance requirements for design and testing, as well as sustainability considerations, for non-sewered sanitation systems (NSSS). An NSSS, for the purposes of this document, is a prefabricated integrated treatment unit, comprising frontend (toilet facility) and backend (treatment facility) components. It is applicable to sanitation systems that are either manufactured as one package or manufactured as a set of prefabricated elements designed to be assembled in one location, without further fabrication or modification that influences the system function.

This standard originated as an international standard, ISO 30500, and was developed by 32 participating economies and 16 observing members, with ANSI serving as the U.S. TAG Administrator for ISO PC 305. Canada participated in the development of the international standard through the Canadian Mirror Committee.