Going fishin

When it comes to a well pump that has fallen off the pitless to the bottom of the well due to a broken adapter, it can cost a homeowner a lot to fix. I took a long bolt — 12 inches or more — and bent it in the shape of a “J” with loop at the top to attach a rope. Then fish it down the well, moving it up and down until it hooks on where the wire is taped to the well pipe and pull it up. I’ve had this happen to me four times already, and it’s worked every time.

J.C. Heckman

J.C. Heckman

Plumbing Long Pond, Pennsylvania


Aluminum foil

trick S tubborn Allen or set screws that lose their sharp edges can sometimes be removed with an Allen key wrapped with a lay-er or two of aluminum foil.

Mike Lombardi

Michael Lombardi

Plumbing and Heating Danbury, Connecticut

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