Modern trash has become the number one enemy of the residential wastewater stream.

Touted as new conveniences, disposable consumer products like disinfecting wipes, makeup remover pads and feminine hygiene products are anything but, considering the havoc they can wreak on residential plumbing systems. Intended to be tossed in the trash, many consumers instead flush these products, adding harmful synthetic material and artificial fibers to the wastewater stream. Unlike toilet paper, wipes don’t break up easily or quickly and can clog sewage treatment equipment and home septic systems. Clogs occur when a number of wipes get stuck in the pump, or if debris builds up on the flushable wipes that are already stuck in the system.

Fats, cooking oil and grease (or FOG) pose similar challenges to residential and municipal wastewater systems. When poured down kitchen drains, FOG accumulate inside sewer pipes, restricting flow and causing sewer blockages. The resulting buildup can lead to operational problems and the need for costly maintenance. FOG is one of the leading causes of sewer overflows and blockages, costing the wastewater industry billions of dollars annually.