Its new informational Energy Savers campaign, “Stay Warm, Save Money,” aims at helping consumers and businesses save on energy expenses during the cold winter months.

The U.S. Department of Energy launched an informational Energy Savers campaign, “Stay Warm, Save Money,” aimed at helping consumers and businesses save on energy expenses during the cold winter months. The sitewww.energysavers.govcontains proven, practical tips that homeowners, ten­ants and small business can use to save energy.

The DOE believes consumers will find this website a “valuable resource,” and asks heating contractors and others to consider several actions in support of this information campaign:
  • Add links to on key pages within your organization’s websites.
  • Pass the word on to major consumer, small business and energy-efficiency organizations with which you work urging them to promote the site.
  • Include information on in upcoming addresses and appearances.
  • Enlist your press office in identifying opportunities through print, Internet and broadcast media to promote the website.
  • Invite executives of the utilities serving your region to join the information campaign by promoting through bill inserts and other channels.

For more ways to support the campaign,