Lead-free solder manufacturer, Taracorp Inc., announced the launch of two new online productivity tools at: www.taracorp.com.

Lead-free solder manufacturer, Taracorp Inc., announced the launch of two new online productivity tools at:www.taracorp.com.

Supplier Search will allow plumbing contractors to locate a wholesale business stocking Taracorp products close to their zip code.

Partner Focus will provide a landing page for our key customers to promote their business online.

The Taracorp Web site provides product information for both existing and prospective customers. Site features include:

  • Free Product Samples & Literature: Continually updated, the site provides users with tools to determine which product to use, free product samples, and access to key technical documents.

  • Library: A comprehensive listing of industry articles and links.

  • Downloads: MSDS, Certificates of Conformance, and product spec sheets.

  • Find a Representative: A complete listing of contact data for sales representatives, organized by geographical region.
In addition, Taracorp offers educational tools, such as its complimentary “Advaned Soldering Techniques" instructional video, a "how-to" for creating professional solder joints in seven simple steps.