Estimation, a TradePower Solution, recently released Estimation Version 10, the latest installment of estimating software for electrical, mechanical and HVAC contractors.

Introduced at Estimation's 12th Annual User Conference in Baltimore, Md., Estimation Version 10 boasts several new features and improvements to facilitate the bidding process. This release contains software additions designed specifically for the Tablet PC, the wireless system that makes take-offs and estimates possible from any location, including the jobsite.

A new user interface in summary allows for in place editing, eliminating a step that was necessary in the previous release. The interface also includes enhancements that simplify essential tasks such as printing and sorting, which will enable users to save printing options and customize fonts for printed reports. The additional sorting toolbar facilitates the process of setting up, modifying, deleting and using multi-column sorts.

Estimation's development team is currently at work on a new generation of estimating software complete with a fresh HVAC program. Estimation combines the Power Pad with an electronic digitizer for the fastest method available for stripping blue prints. The software integrates with PowerPro purchasing and Time & Material billing software, as well as several of the industry's leading accounting programs.

For more information about Estimation Version 10 or any of Estimation's products and services call 800/275-6475, send an e-mail to, or visit