The COUNT Program will honor Raymond C. Jung with a Testimonial Dinner Dance on Nov. 18.

The COUNT Program (Contractors and Unions Together) in conjunction with Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 486 and the Mechanical Contractors Association of Maryland will honorRaymond C. Jungwith a Testimonial Dinner Dance on Nov. 18.

Ray Jung, whose single employer has been the Poole & Kent Co. since 1953, has made significant contributions to the organized mechanical construction industry during the last six decades. He began as a steamfitter apprentice in the 1950s, proceeding to his involvement with MCAA and the Local 486 Training Committee in the 1960s. He won his first presidency of the MCA of Maryland in the 1970s, another presidency of the MCA of Maryland in the 1980s, and he was committed to service on the MCAA Board of Directors in the 1980s and 1990s.

The organizations are also preparing a testimonial booklet for those who wish to pay tribute to him. The Dinner Dance will be held at Martin's West, located at 6821 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, MD 21209. The cost is $75 per person, and seating is limited to 300 persons. At Ray's request, all proceeds will be divided equally between the Mechanical Contracting Foundation and the COUNT Program Foundation Inc., organizations that bear witness to Ray's energy and devotion.

Call 410/321-5715 by Nov. 1, 2000, if you wish to attend, or e-mail the COUNT Program at